Legal Notice

Privacy Policy

We are pleased that you have visited our website. The website provides information about our services including other useful information related to the business and management consulting.

All your information that will be provided in whatever manner by visiting the website, will be protected and treated in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of Slovenia (ZVOP-1).

If you will provide us with personal information, we will use it in order to respond and send you the requested information. MDS, Ltd. performs some of the services in certain areas in cooperation with business partners, and for this reason your personal information may be given to our business partners. The business partners are pledged to the same Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of Slovenia (ZVOP-1). Unless requested by law through subpoena, search warrant or other legal process, MDS, Ltd. will not disclose your personal data to the third parties.

Your personal data will never be disclosed for the purposes which are not in accordance with the law, or would be of any other harmful nature.

MDS, Ltd., will enable you an insight into your personal data upon your request and in accordance with the applicable legislation. Issues related to the personal data protection with reference to use of our website can be sent to

This website contains links to the websites owned by the third parties. When linking to other websites, neither MDS, Ltd.’s privacy practices no longer apply nor is it exposed to whatever liability. We encourage visitors to review each site’s privacy policy before disclosing any personally identifiable information. MDS, Ltd. shall in no event be liable to the user of this website or anyone claiming by, through, or under user for any damages, direct or indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use of or inability to use this site or its content whether based on contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of any such damages, unless in contrary to the law.

The content of the Declaration of the Personal Data Protection can be modified at any time without an advance notice and consent of users.

The Declaration of the Personal Data Protection last updated on 27th of January 2014.

Information policy

The content published on the website, is of an informative purpose and therefore not equivalent to the consulting or similar services. MDS, Ltd. publishes the information on this website with its utmost care, and thus any punitive and civil liability of the MDS, Ltd. arising from the product or juridical disinformation, is entirely excluded. MDS, Ltd. is excluded from the liability for any damages, direct or indirect, inconvenience that could the users or third parties endure with the use of any false or incorrect information, unless the liability is in contrary to the law.

All users use the published content on their own risk. MDS, Ltd. and any other entity or physical person who has participated in the creation and production of this website is excluded from a liability for any damages obtained from the access and use or inability to use the information of the website. Furthermore is the liability for any errors or omissions in the content on the website excluded.

Unless otherwise stated at the specific part of information, the information on the website is owned by MDS, Ltd. and may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any other way only to prior MDS, Ltd.’s written permission. A user who disregards the stated statutory provision, is held punitive resposnible for the claims and otherwise responsible for the consequences.

MDS, Ltd. reserves the right to make changes to the content published on its website,

Ljubljana, January 2014


Piškotki so majhne datoteke z informacijami, ki se začasno shranijo na vaš računalnik. Ko se piškotki namestijo na vaš računalnik, o tem niste obveščeni. Glavni namen piškotkov je, da spletni strežniki prepoznajo vaš računalnik in spletni brskalnik, prilagodijo spletno stran ter poskrbijo za enostavnost in hitrost. Piškotki nam omogočijo, da vam prikažemo pravilne informacije, ki jih iščete in vas zanimajo. Z zbiranjem in pomnjenjem informacij o vaših nastavitvah spletnega mesta s pomočjo piškotkov lahko zagotovimo boljšo spletno stran in trženjske izkušnje.Piškotki nam ne dajejo dostopa do računalnika in podatki, ki jih zbiramo preko piškotkov, ne vključujejo osebnih podatkov.

Upravljalec: MDS d.o.o.

Za potrebe spletne strani lahko uporabljamo naslednje piškotke:

1. Nujno potrebni piškotki za delovanje spletne strani

Sejni piškotek






Delovanje sistema za prikaz vsebin.

Nujen za delovanje sistema za urejanje in prikaz vsebin. Ta piškotek skrbi za pravilen sprejem elektronskih sporočil in vsebin na spletni strani. Piškotek se izbriše, ko uporabnik odide s spletne strani.

2. Piškotki tretjih strani

Google Analytics





2 let

Razlikuje uporabnike od sej.


30 min

Ugotovi nove obiske.


Čas seje

Potreben za združljivost skripte za nazaj.


6 mesecev

Nosi informacijo o izvoru prometa.


2 leti

Shranjuje splošne podatke o obiskovalcu.

S pomočjo teh piškotkov beležimo statistiko obiskovalcev. Ti piškotki ne vsebujejo nobenih osebnih informacij, služijo le za zagotavljanje unikatnosti obiskov. Več o Google Analytics piškotkih, njihovem namenu in trajanju si lahko preberete na spletni strani

Če želite blokirati le storitve Google Analytics, to lahko storite na tej spletni strani.

Google maps




NID 6 mesecev Uporabljen za prikaz vtičnika Google Maps
PREF 2 leti Uporabljen za prikaz vtičnika Google Maps
testcookie seja Uporabljen za prikaz vtičnika Google Maps
khcookie seja Uporabljen za prikaz vtičnika Google Maps
SNID 6 mesecev Uporabljen za prikaz vtičnika Google Maps

Na naši spletni strani uporabljamo storitve Google Maps za prikaz geografskih lokacij. Za več informacij o piškotkih in politiki zasebnosti podjetja Google obiščite:


Piškotek Trajanje


PREF 10 let Prikaz video vsebin s portala
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE 240 dni Prikaz video vsebin s portala
use_hitbox seja Prikaz video vsebin s portala

Na naši spletni strani uporabljamo storitve youtube za prikaz video vsebin. Za več informacij o piškotkih in politiki zasebnosti podjetja Google, ki upravlja s portalom Youtube, obiščite:

Kako upravljati s piškotki?

Večina spletnih brskalnikov omogoča, da nastavite vaše piškote. Piškotke lahko zavrnete ali jih sprejmete s funkcijo, vgrajeno v spletne brskalnike. Če piškotke zavrnete, lahko naprej uporabljate našo spletno stran, vendar določene podstrani ne bodo delovale.